This is the most complete site about the 11'th hour - the sequel to the seventh guest on the net.
It is divided into three frames.
The left frame contains two buttons:
The Help section: You're here.
The Map: Here you can find three maps containing every position in the house worth mentioning.
It also explains where you can find stuff on this site. When you don't want to move through the mansion, you can click on the map and you will transported to the room you clicked.
The Stauf mansion is a strange house,
where nothing is real. It's only logical that the online version is weird too. But don't worry.
I, your humble guide Bones will guide you along the way.
The top frame is the heart of the virtual mansion. Here you can see where you are in the house. When you're not familiar with the house I advice you to keep the map in the lower frame, so you can't get lost. The links on both of the sides of the picture speak for themselves. If you stand in front of a door, just move your mouse across it. You will see that it opens, then click on it and the frame below will turn in the room you traveled to.If you played the Seventh guest or The 11'th hour before, you will notice it works almost the same. If you haven't played either games before: shame on you.
The third frame is used for information, here you read the help section and the map. Every room
you enter will be visible in the third frame, it all makes perfect sence.
You'll see. Now run along in the mansion.
Hey guest, try not to fall.
Your guide, Bones